Winter Rooftop Dining in NJ

Winter rooftop dining? In Hoboken, NJ?! Yes, and this is how Window Works helped make it possible for our friends at City Bistro!

Gennius Retractable Roof for NJ Restaurants

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The Rooftop Lodge at City Bistro is the place to be all winter long!

At City Bistro in Hoboken, NJ, Window Works had previously installed two Gennius retractable roofs. This allowed City Bistro to utilize its rooftop in rain or shine, but didn’t provide enough protection or insulation to make rooftop dining possible during the cold winter months.

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The Gennius retractable roof provides protection and comfort from the elements.

Winter Rooftop Dining in NJ: It’s Gennius

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Side panels are an available accessory that provides additional insulation and protection.

We changed that in October 2022, by installing side panels on the Gennius retractable roof. City Bistro then added heaters, and it was game on for rooftop dining all winter. Thanks to this system, they have provided a cozy vibe perfect for their patrons all winter long.

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The rooftop stay warm and cozy all winter long with added heaters and side panels.

Retractable Roof Systems: Excellent ROI for NJ Restaurants

So you have a large outdoor seating area…but what happens to your bottom line when it’s raining, too hot, too windy, or too cold? Your clients are less inclined to sit out there, or even worse, you simply can’t offer that seating and you are wasting precious tabletops. This is costing you money.

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Climate control on the rooftop allows City Bistro to utilize this dining space year ’round.

A Gennius eliminates all of these scenarios as it protects your clients from all-weather elements. You can completely open the awning and have all sides raised on a perfect day. You can quickly retract the overhead on a warm but too sunny day or in the instance of a quick rain shower.

Furthermore, you can project the overhead, have the sides rolled down, and the heaters turned on in February and have a Super Bowl party! Likewise, you can manipulate the tops and sides of this awning as needed, depending on the weather conditions. This will increase your bottom line by providing more tabletops year-round.

Photo courtesy of City Bistro Hoboken.

The best time to get started on upgrading your outdoor dining area was yesterday. The next best time is today! Retractable roof systems installed before the weather breaks means you’ll be ready to welcome more guests to your NJ restaurant this spring. And with additional accessories like side panels, heaters, and lighting, we can help you create a year ’round dining space that will add profit to your bottom line.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!

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